Respon Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogaea L.) Terhadap Pemberian Kompos Jerami Padi dan Biourin Sapi

Amelia Laminulla, Nurmi Nurmi, Yunnita Rahim


This research aims at investigating response of growth and result of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea  L.) towards the provision of rice raw compost and bio-urine. This research was conducted from May to August, 2016 at libuo Village, Dungingi Sub-district, Gorontalo City. This research applies faktorial block randomized design with 3 levels of treatment; treatments of first factor consist of withuot  treatment, 5 tons/ha, and 10 tons/ha, and treatments of second factor consist of 2 levels namely without treatmentand 3750 l/ha. The observed parametres are height of plant, number of leaves, number of pods per plot, fresh weight of pods, dry weight of pods, weight of seed per plot, weght of 100 seeds, weight of seed per hectare. Research finding reveals that rice raw compost and bio-urine have influence to the growth and result of peanuts. The best dosage of interaction between rice compost and bio-urine to the growth and result of peanuts is 10 tons/ha for rice raw compost + 3750 l/ha for bio-urine. 


rice raw compost, Biourine, peanuts.

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