Evaluasi Pelepasan Parasitoid Telur Trichogramma sp. untuk Mengendalikan Hama Penggerek Tebu
Sugarcane is one of the vital plantation crops as a source of the main ingredients for sugar production sugarcane borer is the most important pest in sugarcane cultivation. This research aimed to determine the parasitization rate of egg-parasitoid Trichogramma sp. in controlling the sugarcane borer, determine the types of parasitoids that parasitize the sugarcane borer, and determine the attack intensity of the sugarcane borer. This research was conducted from July to October 2021 on a sugarcane plantation owned by PT. PG Gorontalo which is located in Tolangohula Sub-district, Gorontalo Regency, and then continued with observations at the Pest and Plant Disease Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, State University of Gorontalo. This research used an exploratory method. The results showed that the percentage of parasitization at the age of 6 week after planting (WAP) and 7 WAP (without parasitoid release) reached 94.69% and 96.10%, respectively, while at 8 WAP, 9 WAP, 10 WAP, 11 WAP, 16 WAP, 17 WAP, 18 WAP, 19 WAP reached 97,09%, 94.93%, 93.11%, 95.45%, 96.42% , 98.78%, 98.06%, 94.27% respectively. Two types of parasitoids attacked sugarcane borer eggs, namely Trichogramma sp. and Telenomus sp. The highest intensity of the sugarcane borer attack occurred at the age of 6 WAP.
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