Potensi Jamur Beauveria bassiana (Blas.) Vuill dalam Mengendalikan Serangga Hama pada Tanaman Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.)

Zuriyati Djafar, Mohamad Lihawa, Indriati Husain, Rida Iswati


This research was conducted in the Laboratory of Agriculture state University of Gorontalo while the field research took place on Hulawan Village, Telaga Sub-district, Gorontalo District from march to may 2018. The research applied Randomized Blok Design  (RBD) white the treatment of fungus B. bassiana and every treatment were repeated for 4 times thus there where 16 units of the experiment in total.  Every unit contained 9 plant as a sample with a spacing of 60 cm x 40 cm, the treatment of fungus B. bassiana (Blas.) Vuill were B0 = Control /without treatment, B1 = 20 grams/100 ml aquadest/sample, B2 = 40 grams/100 ml aquadest/sample, and B3 = 60 grams/100 ml aquadest/sample. The data were analyzed of Variance (Annova) at F test of 5% and regression/correlation. The result of F test of 5% was significantly different thus it was continued to DMRT at 5%. Meanwhile, the qualitative analysis was conducted based on observation and documentation at every treatment of every variable of observation. The research finding showed that fungus B. Bassiana (Blas.) Vuill at 60 grams dosage was the best treatment to control bemisia tabaci pest, looper, and aphids, yet the use of B. Bassiana (Blas.) Vuill at 20 grams was more effective and efficient in maintaining production of cayenne pepper (C. frustescens L.) plant


cayenne pepper, Beauveria basiana, pest

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