Identifikasi Jenis Gulma di Perkebunan Karet (Hevea Brasiliensis) Pada Umur yang Berbeda

Ferdianto Kasim, Sutrisno Hadi Purnomo, Nurmi Nurmi


This study aimed to determine the composition, dominance, diversity, richness, and distribution patterns of weeds in rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) plantations at different ages. The study was conducted from June to July 2022 in Saripi Village, Paguyaman Sub District, Boalemo Regency. In collecting the data, observations were made by identifying the types and counting the number of weeds in each type. The results showed that the species composition and number of weeds in a 7-year-old rubber plantation, namely 20 species of weeds with a total of 648 and were dominated by weed Ageratum conyzoides L. Furthermore, in a rubber plantation with the age of 9 years, the composition of types and number of weeds obtained was 22 species with a total of 461 and were dominated by weed Parietaria officinalis. On the other hand, a 11-year-old of rubber plantation, there were 18 types of weeds with a total of 435 and were dominated by weed Laportea aestuans L. At last, regarding the composition of the types and number of individual weeds in the rubber plantation aged 13 years, there were 10 types of weeds with a total of 260 which were dominated by Laportea aestuans L. Therefore, the dominance index in rubber plantations at different ages was dominated by several types of weeds. The diversity index in rubber plantations at different ages has moderate criteria. However, the species' richness index in rubber plantations at different ages has a low criterion. Thus, the distribution pattern in rubber plantations at different ages has a clustered distribution pattern.


Identification, weeds, rubber plantation

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