Analisis Status Unsur Hara Makro (N, P, K) Serta C-Organik dan pH pada Lahan Kering di Kecamatan Tabongo Kabupaten Gorontalo

Siti Nur Ain, Muhammad Arief Azis, Suyono Dude


Dry land has a significant potential for developing agricultural businesses, from food crops and plantations to animal husbandry. However, generally, it has low soil fertility, where some of the soil is acidic, prone to erosion and does not contain much organic matter. On the other hand, most Tabongo people are farmers who produce corn. Based on the data from the Agriculture Office of Gorontalo Regency, the production of corn in Tabongo Subdistrict has experienced a decrease generally. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the status of macronutrients (N, P, K), C-Organic and pH on dry land in Tabongo Subdistrict, Gorontalo Regency. In addition, this study used a descriptive-exploratory method with a sample of 3 points which was based on the slope, direct observation and interview with 75 respondents. The interview was carried out with the Tabongo Subdistrict people. In short, based on the results of simultaneous and partial nutrient analysis, nutrient availability was still low, which then caused the land to have good soil management to increase soil fertility.


nutrient, analysis, dry land, tabongo

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