Dampak Alih Fungsi Lahan Terhadap Dinamika Kualitas Lahan Di Kecamatan Bolangitang Timur Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara

Sulistio van Gobel, Nurdin Nurdin, Fitriah Suryani Jamin


This study aims to determine the effect of land use change toward land quality and production. This research is conducted in Bolangitang Timur Sub-district, Bolaang Mongondow Utara District starting from July 04 to September 11, 2020. This study applies the minipit method for soil sampling, and questionnaires that are distributed to farmares who did land use change in the research area. There are 17 samples of soil and 14 samples of questionnaires which represent the research area, and this study uses secondary data that obtain from image and map of regional spatial planning. The results show that the quality of land that affects production are oC temperature, Rainfall, Wet Month, Dry Month, CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity), and Base Saturation, Factors that influence land-use change are land converted due to public donation, land converted due to economic grants, land converted due to building houses, the impacts of land use change that occur are the quality of agricultural land and crop production is reduced.


Land use, change, impact, land quality, production

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