Invigorasi Priming untuk Perbaikan Mutu Fisiologis Benih Kapas (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

Usman Kantu, Hayatingsih Gubali, Angry Pratama Solihin


Cotton seeds easily experience deterioration due to day are classified as oily seeds with a fat content of 32,5%, thus, they require proper storage management. Improper or too long storage can cause seed deterioration in which this deterioration can be overcome by applying priming method, especially for seeds that have low to moderate vigor. This current research aims to determine invigoration and soaking time on the physiological quality of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) seeds using priming method. The research applies Factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and encompasses two factors. The first factor is invigoration which consists of four levels including: Coconut Water, Shallot Extract, and polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 and the second factor is soaking time which consists of three levels including: 6, 12, and 18 hours. In the meantime, the parameters observed are: germination rate, maximum growth potential, grouwth rate, grouwth uniformity, hypocotyl length, and radicle length. The research data are analyzed using ANOVA and continued with LSD with a level of 5%. The research findings indicate that there is no interaction between invigoration by priming and soaking time. In addition, the invigoration of priming affects the physiologycal quality of cotton seeds as indicated by germination rate, grouwth potential, and grouwth uniformity. The best result is obtained by invigoration using PEG 6000 while soaking time affects the physiological quality improvement of cotton seeds as indicated by the grouwth uniformity and length of hypocotyl in which the best result is a 12-hour soaking.


Invigoration, soaking time, viability, cotton

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