Efektivitas Arang Tempurung untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Kanker Batang Kakao (Phytophthora palmivora)

Novita Sangadji, Mohamad Lihawa, Indriati Husain, Rida Iswati


The present study aimed to determine the efficacy and dosage of coconut shell charcoal in controlling (Phytophthora palmivora) stem canker. The research was conducted in Hila Village, Leihitu Subdistrict, Maluku Tengah Regency, from July to August 2020. The study employed the Randomized Block Design mothod, consisting of four treatments K= control, P1= 50 gr, P2= 100 gr, P3= 150 gr. Each treatment was replicated three times to abtain 12 units with 48 experimental sample plants. Fourthermore, the research data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and then further tested using LSD ( Least Significant Difference) at the 5% level. The finding denoted that 150 gr coconut shell charcoal treatment effectively declined stem canker symptoms development value and provided wound healing of 71,10%.


Coconut shell charcoal, stem canker, cocoaa

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