Efektivitas Terasering Pada Pertanaman Jagung (Zea mays L.) di Desa Suka Damai Kecamatan Lemito Kabupaten Pohuwato

Ramli Diu, Zulzain Ilahude, Nurdin Nurdin


Terracing could be an effective and efficient option in utilizing sloped land for growing corn plants as it affects the growth and production of corn. This research aims at finding out the differences between the growth and production of corn plants treated with terracing on sloped land. This research was conducted from January 8 to march 8, 2020, in Suka Damai Village, Lemito Sub-district, Pohuwato District, Gorontalo Province. The research method applies a randomized block design with three levels of repeated treatments, namely: Control (KO), bench terrace (TB), and ridge terrace (TG). The research parameters are the plant height, seed weight per ear, weight of 1000 seeds, weight of dry bean per terrace, and weight of dry bean per ton/ha. Based on alnalysis of variance, the ridge terrace has a significant effect on the parameters of plant height at the 3rd week and the seed weight per ear. However, it does not have a significant effect on the parameters of plant height at the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th , 6th, and 7th weeks, the weight of 1000 seeds, the weight of dry bean per terrace, and weight bean per ton/ha. The corn production reaches 6.92 tons/ha in KO, 6.26 tons/ha in TB, and 7.10 tons/ha in TG.


the efficacy of terracing, corn plants.

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