Dosis dan Interval Waktu Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) Air Cucian Beras terhadap Produksi Tanaman Mentimun (Cucumis sativus L.)
Cucumber is one of the popular fruits in society due to its health advantages: the need for this fruit continues to increase along with population growth. Improvements to cucumber cultivation techniques through providing liquid organic fertilizer (POC) of rice water are needed to increase production. This study used a Randomized Block Design (RAKF), which consisted of 2 factorials to know the dose and time interval that most affect the growth and production of cucumber plants. First factorial used POC dose with 4 treatments: P0 = control; P1 = 20 ml/1 liter of water/polybag; P2 = 30 ml/1 liter of water/polybag P3 = 40 ml/1 liter of water/polybag which was repeated 3 times. Second factorial was the time interval for administration: I1 = 2 DAP, I2 = 4 DAP, I3 = 6 DAP. The Smallest Real Difference (BNT) the level of 5% executed if treatment affects plant growth and production. The research data analyzed using ANOVA showed that the dose and time interval of administering the aforementioned cultivation affected plant height growth, fruit length, and fruit weight, especially in the application of fertilizer with a dose of P3 = 40 ml/1 liter of water/polybag and time interval I1 = 2 DAP.
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