Pengaruh Pemangkasan dan Pengurangan Jumlah Buah terhadap Hasil Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.)
It is very common for costumers in fulfilling their needs to face such obstacles as the discrepancy between the quality required by the market and the quality of the product produced. Theerefore, quality improvement must be carried out to meet consumer needs, an it can be done by using cultivation technology in the form of pruning and reducing the number of fruits. This study aimed to determine the effect of pruning and fruit reduction and their plantation on tomato yields. This study was conducted in Bulotalangi Timur Village, Bulango Timur Subdistrct, Bone Bolango Regency. It used a factorial randomized block design (RBD) consisting of 2 factros. The first factor was pruning water shoot which consistend of 3 levels, namely without pruning it at all, pruning water shoot at 20 HST, and pruning shoot 30 HST. The second factor was the reduction in the number of fruits which consistend of 3 levels, namely without the number of fruits at all, 15 plantions were maintained, 10 plantations were maintained. The results showed that pruning affected flowering variabels. Pruning water shoot at 20 HST gives the bwst results. On the other hand, the reducation of the number of fruit affects the yield of tomat plants as indicated by fruit weight per grain and fruit diameter. In addition, the best results were then obtained by maintaining 10 plantitions.
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