Elsa Purnama Sari, De San San Nurhayati, Ichsan Fauzi Rachman


Education has an important role in the progress of a nation, especially through a good education system. One important aspect of education today is the development of language skills through bilingual programs. This article examines various bilingual learning models in the educational environment, including their implementation at various levels of education such as madrasas, inclusive kindergartens, vocational schools, and elementary schools. Through a literature review approach, this article explains the basic theories, practical implementation, and impact on student learning. The results showed that of the 20 articles, 4 articles were found that matched the title topic.  Bilingual learning is effective in improving students' language and cognitive abilities in the current era of globalization. However, its implementation also faces challenges such as curriculum, teacher competency and resource support. By digging deeper into these models, it is hoped that this article can contribute to the development of educational policies that are inclusive and oriented towards improving the quality of national education.


literature review, bilingual, learning

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37905/jbsb.v14i2.25605


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