Students' Perspectives on Enhancing Vocabulary Through Song

Rasuna Thalib, Sri Agriyanti Mestari, Magvira El Walidayni Kau, Diofanny Paduay


The purpose of this study is to investigate junior high school
students' perspectives regarding the efficacy of teaching vocabulary in
English through the use of English songs. The participants in this study
were 9th-grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Kabila Bone in the academic
year 2023-2024. This is a qualitative study which use interview in openended
questions form in gathering the data. The result showed that
songs provide a dynamic and engaging approach which may capturing
students and minimizing monotony in the classroom. Students' interest
also was sparked by the rhythmic beat and fun of the songs, which
encouraged active involvement and made learning vocabulary
enjoyable. Songs also helped students expand and acquire their
vocabulary by giving them context-rich examples of word usage and
enhancing their language comprehension. In summary, the use of songs
in vocabulary learning creates an engaging, enjoyable, and effective
educational experience.


students' perspectives, English vocabulary, song

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