The Effectiveness Of Bongohulawa Village Milk Business Agency (Bumdesa) Tilongkabila District

Mohamad Kilat Nur Djali


This study aims to determine the analysis of the effectiveness of the Village Milk Business Entity (Bumdesa) Bongohulawa, Tilongkabila District, in terms of Article 3 concerning the Establishment, Management, Management and Dissolution of Bumdes and to find out what factors hinder the performance of BUMDES in Bongohulawa Village based on Permendesa No. 4 of 2015 Article 3 concerning the Establishment, Management, Management and Dissolution of Bumdes. The type of research used is empirical normative research. The results showed that the effectiveness of the Village Milk Business Entity (Bumdesa) Bongohulawa, Tilongkabila District, the existence of the Desa Milk Business Entity (Bumdesa) in Bongohulawa Village, Tilongkabila District was not yet effective. The factors that hinder the performance of the Village Milk Business Entity (Bumdesa) in Bongohulawa Village are 1. The Community Factor is Less Proactive, The low interest of the community in getting directly involved in the BUMDes business so that several programs are belonging to the BUMDes that is not running well. 2. The Human Resources factor, which is owned by Bumdes is still low in education, the average BUMDes staff is a high school/equivalent, so the implementation of BUMDes is not effective. 2. Intervention from the village government always intervenes with the BUMDes management. Intervention is carried out so that residents cannot freely carry out the programs that have been made.


Keywords:Effectiveness, Bumdes, Bongohulawa.


Effectiveness; Bumdes, Bongohulawa

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