Increasing Awareness of Consumer Rights and Obligations in E-Commerce Transaction Activities

Handriyanto Igirisa, Mohamad Rusdiyanto U. Puluhulawa, Julius T. Mandjo


This study aims to determine and analyze how the role of YLKI Gorontalo Province in increasing awareness of consumer rights and obligations in e-commerce transaction activities. The method used in this research is empirical legal research with a qualitative approach. Based on the results of the study, it is shown that the role of YLKI Gorontalo Province in increasing awareness of consumer rights and obligations in e-commerce transaction activities, namely: (1) conducting information dissemination programs through social media, distributing banners or billboards, socialization or legal counseling; and (2) provide education at the time of the complaint. However, according to the author, the role of YLKI Gorontalo has not been maximal and comprehensive. . This can be see from the lack of informasion dissemination carried out by YLKI Gorontalo regarding the importance of knowledge of consumer right and obligations as stated in Article 4 and Article 5 of the UUPK, especially in conducting electronic commerce (e-commerce) as well as the lack of socialization carried out by YLKI Gorontalo, namely one times since actively running errands.


Awareness; Consumer Rights and Obligations; E-Commerce.

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