Responsibility for Karst Ecotourism Development by Local Government Boalemo County

Mohamad Rizki Rahim, Abdul Hamid Tome


This study aims to determine the extent of the role of the regional government of Boalemo Regency in developing karst ecotourism. As well as identifying what factors can hinder the development of karst ecotourism development in the Boalemo Regency. This research is an empirical (sociological) legal research, where the sources of legal research material are obtained through interviews and the results of observation. The results of the study show that the government's role in the development of karst ecotourism in Boalemo Regency is not running as it should. Factors that hinder local governments in developing karst ecotourism are divided into internal factors, including: marine tourism is still a priority for tourism development in Boalemo, awareness of the karst potential in Boalemo Regency and the limited budget of the related agencies. External factors are related to the lack of public understanding of karst ecotourism. If the development of karst ecotourism potential in Boalemo Regency becomes the focus of the government, it is hoped that special regulations will be formed that regulate concretely and comprehensively, then determine steps to conserve and utilize karst objects.


Ecotourism, Karst, Local Government

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