Sulistiawati Sulistiawati


Penyakit virus corona telah menyebar dengan cepat ke seluruh Indonesia. Kebijakan isolasi telah diberlakukan untuk menekan peningkatan jumlah kasus. Namun, tidak semua bisa mematuhinya kata demi kata. Kebaruan penelitian ini adalah meneliti tentang kepatuhan pasien covid-19 menjalani aktivitas selama isolasi mandiri/karantina. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan sejauh mana pemahaman tentang isolasi mandiri pada pasien COVID-19 dan mengevaluasi kekurangan selama isolasi mandiri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang dengan desain cross-sectional melalui penyebaran kuesioner dan analisis dilakukan secara deskriptif. Jumlah sampel penelitian ini adalah 165 responden yang merupakan penderita atau pernah menderita COVID-19 di Indonesia. Yang dinilai dari responden adalah protokol kesehatan dasar COVID-19, protokol dasar isolasi mandiri, aktivitas sehari-hari selama isolasi mandiri, persiapan pengobatan. Sebagian besar responden sudah mematuhi protokol. Namun, perlu dicatat bahwa kegiatan dan protokol isolasi diri wajib tidak dipatuhi sepenuhnya di seluruh responden. Kesimpulannya, 14 responden (8.48%) anggota masyarakat tidak dapat melakukan isolasi mandiri dengan benar karena sebagian dari mereka masih belum memenuhi persyaratan isolasi diri yang benar.

Kata kunci : COVID-19; Isolasi Mandiri; Karantina; Kepatuhan



 Coronavirus disease has spread rapidly throughout Indonesia. Policy for isolation has been enacted for repressing the number increases of cases. However, not all could comply with them words-by-words. The novelty of this study is to examine the compliance of Covid-19 patients undergoing activities during self-isolation/quarantine. This study is done based on how far is the understanding of self-isolation in COVID-19 patients and evaluate the flaw during the self-isolation. This research is a cross-sectional study design through the distribution of questionnaires and the analysis will be carried out descriptively. The samples were 165 respondents that has or had contacted COVID-19. The subjects that was rated are basic COVID-19 health protocol, basic protocol of self-isolating, daily activities during self-isolating, preparation for self-isolating treatment. Most of the respondent has mostly already obeyed. However, it should be noted that compulsory self-isolation activities and protocol are not obeyed fully across the respondents. In conclusion, about 14 respondents (8.48%) community could not carry out the proper self-isolation since some of them still did not fulfill the requirements of proper self-isolation.


COVID-19; Self-Isolation ; Quarantine ; Adherence

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