Siti Rahmatia Ali, Irwan Irwan, Lia Amalia


Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 (DM Tipe 2) yaitu kadar gula darah yang tinggi akibat penurunan sel terhadap insulin. Penderita DM Tipe 2 di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Telaga sebanyak 66 orang (0,29%), Kebaruan Penelitian ini karena peneliti menganalisis perilaku merokok dan aktivitas fisik terhadap risiko kejadian Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh perilaku merokok dan aktivitas fisik pada terhadap risiko kejadian Diabetes Mellitus. Penelitian ini bersifat observasional analitik dengan desain case control study. Populasi yaitu seluruh penderita DM Tipe 2 yang tercatat sebagai peserta Posbindu di wilayah kerja Puskesmas dengan penentuan sampel menggunakan rumus Lameshow didapatkan 87 sampel, terdiri , maka perbandingan sampel kasus dan sampel kontrol yaitu 1:3 dimana jumlah kasus sebanyak 21 sampel dan jumlah kontrol 66 dengan menggunakan analisis data Odds Ratio. Hasil penelitian uji Odds Ratio umur OR > 1 berarti responden yang berumur ≥45 tahun memiliki risiko 5,1 kali untuk menderita DM tipe 2 dibandingkan responden yang berumur < 45 tahun, aktivitas fisik OR > 1 berarti responden yang aktivitas fisiknya <30 menit atau 3 kali/minggu memiliki risiko 1,8 kali menderita DM Tipe 2 dibandingkan responden yang aktivitas fisiknya ≥30 menit atau 3 kali/minggu, status merokok OR < 1 berarti responden yang tidak merokok mengurangi risiko terhadap kejadian DM Tipe 2 dibandingkan responden yang merokok. Kesimpulan  bahwa umur dan aktivitas fisik merupakan faktor risiko kejadian DM tipe 2.

Kata kunci: Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2; Faktor Risiko; Umur; Aktivitas Fisik; Perilaku Merokok.


Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 (DM Type 2) is a high blood sugar level due to a decrease in cells against insulin. Patients with Type 2 DM in the Telaga Puskesmas Working Area were 66 people (0.29%), the novelty of this study was because researchers analyzed smoking behavior and physical activity against the risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus events. The purpose of the study was to analyze the influence of smoking behavior and physical activity on the risk of diabetes mellitus events. This research is analytical observational with a case control study design. The population, namely all patients with DM Type 2 who were recorded as Posbindu participants in the Puskesmas work area with sample determination using the Lameshow formula, obtained 87 samples, consisting of, then the comparison of case samples and control samples was 1: 3 where the number of cases was 21 samples, and the number of controls was 66 using Odds Ratio data analysis. The results of the Odds Ratio test or age > 1 mean that respondents aged ≥45 years have a 5.1 times risk of suffering from DM Type 2 compared to respondents aged < 45 years OR > 1. Physical activity means that respondents whose physical activity is <30 minutes or 3 times/week have a risk of 1.8 times suffering from DM Type 2 compared to respondents whose physical activity is ≥30 minutes or 3 times/week. OR < 1 smoking status means that non-smoking respondents reduce their risk of developing DM Type 2 compared to respondents who smoke. The conclusion is that age and physical activity are risk factors for the incidence of DM Type 2. The decision is that age and physical activity are risk factors for the incidence of DM Type 2.

Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus Type 2; Risk Factors;  Age; Physical Activity; Smoking Behavior.

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