Theofhilus Adie Christanatha, Suriyadi Datau, Rosbin Pakaya, Haerul Ikhsan, Joni Taufik Hidayat



Tujuanl penelitianl inil adalahl untukl mengetahuil pengaruhl latihanl jump to box terhadapl kemampuanl lompatan block padal permainanl bolal voli putra tin B Desa Harapan. Hipotesis tindakan dalam penelitian ini adalahl terdapatl pengaruhl latihanl jump to box terhadapl kemampuanl lompatanl block padal permainan bola voli putra Tim B Desa Harapan. Denganl jenisl desainl yangl digunakanl adalahl onel group pretestl and posttestl design.

Berdasarkanl hasill pengujianl yang telahl dilakukanl dapatl diketahuil pula seluruhl variabell memilikil populasil yang homogenl dan memilikil populasil yang berdistribusil normal. Hasill pengujianl tes awall dan tes akhirl denganl menggunakanl uji t menunjukanl hasill Thitung sebesar 9,597 sedangkanl nilai Ttabell sebesarl 1,796. Ternyatal nilai Thitungl lebih besarl dari nilai Ttabel, sehinggal Thitungl telahl beradal di luarl daerahl penerimaanl Ho. Jadil dapatl disimpulkan bahwal terdapatl pengaruhl latihan jumpl to box terhadapl kemampuanl lompatan block pada permainan bola voli putra Tim B Desa Harapan.

Dalam penerapan latihanl jump to box pada peningkatan kemampuan lompatan block pada permainan bola voli sangat memberikan pengaruh. Sehingga dapatl disimpulkanl bahwal latihanl jump to box memiliki pengaruhl yangl signifikan pada kemampuan lompatan block pada permainan bola voli.

Kata Kunci: Jump To Box1, Block2, Permainan Bola Voli3



The aim of this research is to determine the effect of jump to box training on the blocking jump ability in male volleyball players of Team B, Harapan Village. The research action hypothesis in this study is that there is an effect of jump to box training on the blocking jump ability in male volleyball players of Team B, Harapan Village. The research design used was a one-group pretest and posttest design.

Based on the test results conducted, it can be determined that all variables had a homogeneous population and a normally distributed population. The results of the initial and final tests using the t-test showed a calculated t-value of 9.597, while the t-table was 1.796. It turned out that the calculated t-value was greater than the t-table, indicating that the calculated t-value fell outside the region of acceptance of the null hypothesis (Ho). Therefore, it can be concluded that there is an influence of jump to box training on the blocking jump ability in male volleyball players of Team B, Harapan Village.

The implementation of jump to box training has a significant impact on improving blocking jump ability in volleyball. Thus, it can be concluded that jump to box training has a significant influence on the blocking jump ability in volleyball

Keywords: Jump To Box1, Block2, Volleyball Game3.


Jump To Box, Block, Permainan Bola Voli

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