Delineation of Nickel Laterite Based on Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Method at Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi

Arya Raihan Nugroho Ruslan, Yatini Yatini, Muhammad Arief Wicaksono


Fulfillment of nickel laterite needs for various industrial purposes has become a government plan that must be realized immediately. The sustainability of the nickel laterite supply is the main reason for increasing exploration activities in various nickel laterite-producing areas in Indonesia. Nickel laterite explorations have been carried out in several areas, one of which is in Pomalaa District, Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. The ERT (Electrical Resistivity Tomography) method combined with drilling and geochemical data is very suitable for delineating nickel laterite in the subsurface in three blocks. The purpose of this study was to obtain the distribution of nickel laterite in the subsurface and analyze its characteristics. This study used the Wenner configuration and 19 exploration drill points with geochemical assay data. The results of the study showed that there were three zones based on their resistivity values, namely the saprolite zone with a low resistivity value (<35 Ωm), the saprolitic rock to boulder zone with a medium resistivity value (35 - 65) Ωm, and the bedrock zone in the form of peridotite rocks with a relatively high level of serpentinization, fracture and weathering, with a high resistivity value (> 65 Ωm). For characterization, the research area is divided into three blocks, namely West, Central and East Block. West block has low Ni content (<0.96%) for the saprolite zone and (0.32 - 1.27) % for the saprolitic rock zone, and high (1.65 - 3.24) % for the saprolite zone and (1.35 - 2.27) % for the saprolitic rock zone. In the Central block, the Ni content is low in the saprolite zone of (0.27 - 1.37) % and the saprolitic rock zone of (0.26 - 1.30) %. While in the East Block, the Ni content is low (0.48 - 1.25) % for the saprolite zone, (0.03 - 1.29) % for the saprolitic rock zone, and high (1.34 - 2.94) % for the saprolite zone and (1.31 - 2.84) % for the saprolitic rock zone.


Nickel Laterite Deposits, Electrical Resistivity Tomography, Wenner Configuration, Resistivity

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