Frits Ontang Poedjianto Siregar, Judy Obet Waani, Raymond Deyven Christma Tarore, Esli Devis Takumansang


Tourism in Indonesia is one of the driving forces of the regional economy and as a means of assistance to the community in reducing unemployment rates. Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) are one of the government's efforts to encourage the development of tourism areas in terms of investment, increasing exports and creating jobs for local communities. The Likupang KEK is the only KEK in North Sulawesi Province that was ratified through Presidential Decree No. 16 of 2020. The formation of KEKs can cause several problems such as the determination of policies that are not fully based on appropriate legal and regulatory foundations, environmental changes and security issues influenced by the development of tourism and the entry of outsiders into the area, changes in building functions, shifts in cultural values, increasing environmental damage, and impacts on community behavior patterns. This phenomenon is the basis for this study to identify the quality of the architectural elements that form the city space in the Likupang KEK and what elements can be optimized as one of the strategies for developing sustainable tourism villages. This study uses a qualitative method to describe the elements that form the city space in the Likupang KEK through observation, interviews and literature reviews. The results of this study indicate that the identification of the quality of elements forming urban space in the Likupang Special Economic Zone is quite adequate in terms of ecology, but still requires optimization so that the quality of elements forming urban space is maximized as one of the strategies for developing sustainable tourism villages.


Keywords: Elements of Urban Design, Environmentally Friendly City, KEK Likupang, Tourism Village 


Elements of Urban Design, Environmentally Friendly City, KEK Likupang, Tourism Village

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37905/jjoa.v6i2.27686


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Copyright (c) 2024 Frits Ontang Poedjianto Siregar, Judy Obet Waani, Raymond Deyven Christma Tarore, Esli Devis Takumansang

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