Andika Oktavianus Putra, Ernawati Ernawati, Kalih Trumansyahjaya


This study aims to support the design of Grand SMESCO Gorontalo as an effort to realize modern architectural design in the Gorontalo Province. This study focused on the development of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the region. The data collection method involved a comparative study through internet sources related to Grand SMESCO in various locations in Indonesia. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive methods to provide a comprehensive overview of the characteristics and functions of Grand SMESCO. The findings indicated that Grand SMESCO in Gorontalo plays a strategic role in supporting the growth of MSMEs. This facility provides training to MSME actors and serves as a center for MSME activities and events in the Gorontalo region. Thus, Grand SMESCO serves not only as a business venue but also as a catalyst for the advancement of MSMEs and economic development in the region. Within this framework, the design of Grand SMESCO in Gorontalo would be the main reference to ensure its sustainability and effectiveness. This design approach incorporated modern architectural elements that integrated functional needs with aesthetics that supported MSME development goals. Consequently, Grand SMESCO was expected to become an important icon in elevating MSMEs and supporting Gorontalo's tourism and creative economy sectors. This research proposed a holistic and sustainable design plan for Grand SMESCO to support MSME growth, promote tourism, and drive creative economic development in the Gorontalo Province. The purpose of this research is to help the realization of the SME training place in Gorontalo area and the realization of a functional outdoor space arrangement for the Grand SMESCO Gorontalo building. The design of Grand SMESCO Gorontalo uses Post-Modern Architecture approach with Neo Vernacular flow as a design consideration to adjust the function of the building and adjust to the climatic conditions of Gorontalo City.


Grand SMESCO Design, MSME Improvement, Tourism, Neo Vernacular Archirecture.

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