Saldi Yulistian, Latusi Anggriani, Charisma Cahya Azharisma


Street culinary also known as street food, is one aspect of tourism in almost every country, including Indonesia. Every street culinary in various places has its appeal for visitors. One of the main attractions that makes street culinary popular among visitors is the comfort and safety of its infrastructure. The Cikapundung area is located in Bandung, where almost the entire stretch of the road features street culinary. This research aims to understand the infrastructure aspects in the Cikapundung street area concerning street culinary. The methodology used in this research is qualitative method with primary and secondary data analysis. Primary data is data obtained from interviews, while secondary data is data obtained from literature reviews. Both data sets are compared to analyze the role of infrastructure in the appeal of street culinary in Cikapundung Street, Bandung. The results analyzed show that 60% of visitors are interested in visiting the street culinary area on Cikapundung Street because this area has a safe and comfortable atmosphere. The uniqueness that attracts people to the street culinary on Jalan Cikapundung includes its strategic location, making it a connecting zone for tourist centers in Bandung. Jalan Cikapundung has a strategic location, a safe atmosphere, and adequate utilities, contributing to appeal in the street culinary scene.


Cikapuncung; culinary; infrastructure; street food

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