Frits Oentang Puji Siregar, Esli Takumansang, Steven Lintong


Disaster mitigation in the context of architecture has many challenges because disaster mitigation tends to be directed at the discipline of civil engineering. Disaster mitigation studies in the context of architecture can provide a new picture of the planning and rearrangement of an area with a design that is adaptive to climate and the environment. The Megamas area, Manado City is one of the multifunctional areas located on reclaimed land and is often affected by tidal waves and strong winds due to extreme climate change. Public space theory and disaster mitigation theory are the main variables in this study, which identifies environmental conditions and analyzes efforts to overcome tidal waves that often cause damage in the Megamas area. This study uses a qualitative research method to describe the results of data processing through field observations and literature reviews. The results of this study are in the form of findings of public space elements in the context of disaster mitigation as an effort to manage public space to minimize the impact of tidal waves that often occur in the Megamas Coastal Area. Each element of public space that can be utilized as part of coastal disaster mitigation enriches future management plans that are adaptive to climate and the environment.


Kawasan Megamas, Mitigas Bencana, Ruang Publik

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