Octavianus Hendrik Alexander Rogi, Ingerid Moniaga, Michael Rengkung


Sprawl is characterized by the horizontal physical growth of the city which is considered not ideal because it puts pressure on natural resources, increases land consumption and greater infrastructure investment and maintenance. Theoretically, sprawl is divided into linear, concentric and leapfrog types. Other theories describe sprawl based on its attributes including open space fragmentation. City governments are required to observe sprawl so that they can take appropriate strategic steps to anticipate the inherent problems it causes. This paper presents the results of a study that attempts to explore the use of regression trend analysis as an approach to interpret linear sprawl in urban corridors based on open space fragmentation. The analysis focuses on the variation of the open space fragmentation index according to the relative distance to the point of origin of the city's physical growth. As a case study, the urban corridor in Tomohon City, North Sulawesi, Indonesia was chosen as the locus of observation. The results of the study indicate that this approach is able to verify and interpret the sprawl phenomenon in the corridor and can be a source of feedback for local governments.



Linear Sprawl, Open Space Fragmentation, Regression Analysis

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