Risiko Paparan Sulfur Dioksida (SO2) Pada Petugas Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum (SPBU)

Sri Rejeki R. Takuloe, Herlina Jusuf, Moh. Rivai Nakoe, Nikmatisni Arsyad


Sulfur Dioxide or SO2 is a classic pollutant, colorless, sharp odor, and harmful to humans. Gas station workers have a significant risk of being exposed to Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) both from motorized vehicle emissions amd from fuel vapors. This study aims to analyze the health risk due to SO2 exposure by gas station workers. This research is a quantitative descriptive study using HRE method, where object sampling is carried out at two points and 10 repondents as subjects. Air sample testing was carried out at the Enviromental Health and Disease Control Center Laboratory. The SO2 concentration in the gas station ambient air in the morning was 104 µg/Nm3 and 134 µg/Nm3 in the afternoon. SO2 intake realtime ranges from 0.079710956 to 0.393351017 mg/kg/day. The risk quotient ranged from 0.002072485 to 0.010227126 mg/kg/day (RQ ≤ 1, no risk). Concentration of SO2 was still below and still safe and not at risk of non-carcinogenic at gas station workers. It is suggested that gas station workers maintain personal hygiene, eat nutritious food, and wear masks while working.


Sulfur Dioksida, ARKL, SPBU.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.56796/jje.v2i2.20345


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