Analisis Tegangan Tembus Dan Hidrofobisitas Isolator Nano Komposit Resin Epoksi Dan SiO2

Amelya Indah Pratiwi, Muhammad Asri


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik tegangan tembus dan sifat hidrofobik dari isolator resin epoksi dengan dan tanpa bahan pengisi abu arang tongkol jagung. Penambahan bahan pengisi sebanyak 15 gram, 30 gram dan 45 gram abu arang tongkol jagung, DGEBA 100 ml, MPDA 50 ml. Metode pengujian tegangan tembus berdasarkan standar IEC 1109 dan metode pengukuran hidrofobisitas berdasarkan IEC 62073 yakni metode sudut kontak. Nilai Tegangan tembus tertinggi  pada sampel SI00 (tanpa filler) kondisi kering bersih yakni sebesar 74,64 kV dan tegangan tembus terendah pada sampel SI45 kondisi kering bersih sebesar 17,81 kV. Penambahan jumlah sampel bahan pengisi hanya memperburuk tegangan tembus isolator. Sampel SI00, SI15, SI30, dan SI45 bersifat hidrofilik atau menyerap air. Penambahan bahan pengisi pada resin epoksi juga semakin membuat permukaan isolator menyerap air. Pada sampel dengan bahan pengisi 45 gram abu tongkol jagung sudah mengalami breakdown pada tegangan 17,81 kV sehingga tidak dilanjutkan untuk kondisi pengujian yang lain.

This study aims to measure the breakdown stress and hydrophobic properties of epoxy resin insulators with and without corncob charcoal ash as filler. Addition of filler as much as 15 grams, 30 grams and 45 grams of corncob charcoal ash, 100 ml DGEBA, 50 ml MPDA. The breakdown voltage testing method is based on IEC 1109 standard and the hydrophobicity measurement method according to IEC 62073 is the contact angle method. The highest value of the breakdown voltage in the SI00 sample (without filler) is in the clean dry condition of 74.64 kV and the lowest in the SI45 sample in the clean dry condition is 17.81 kV. Increasing the sample size of the filler only exacerbates the breakdown voltage of the insulator. Samples SI00, SI15, SI30, and SI45 are hydrophilic or absorb air. The addition of fillers to the epoxy resin also makes the surface of the insulator absorb air. In the sample with 45 grams of corn cobs ash filler, it has been damaged at a voltage of 17.81 kV so that it cannot be used for other test conditions.



breakdown voltage; Hydropobicity; SiO2; epoxy resin

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Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
State University of Gorontalo
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