Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pada Penentuan Dosen Pembimbing Skripsi Menggunakan Metode Logika Fuzzy

Luthfiani Azzahra, Rahmat Deddy Rianto Dako, Wrastawa Ridwan


-Skripsi merupakan sebuah karya ilmiah bagi mahasiswa jenjang S1 membutuhkan dosen pembimbing dalam menyelesaikannya unuk konsultasi mahasiswa. Penentuan dosen pembimbing berdasarkan Pedoman Akademik Universitas Negeri Gorontalo masih dilakukan dengan cara penunjukkan secara langsung atas usul Ketua Jurusan/Ketua Program Studi. Namun permasalahannya cara tersebut kadangkala mengesampingkan jumlah bimbingan sehingga kurang seimbang jumlah bimbingan antar calon dosen pembimbing, dan juga kesulitan menyesuaikan antara keahlian dosen dengan judul skripsi mahasiswa. Pada Penelitian ini dibuat sistem pendukung keputusan berbasis website untuk memberikan rekomendasi dosen pembimbing skripsi kepada pihak jurusan Teknik elektro menggunakan metode fuzzy. Pada logika fuzzy menggunakan tiga variabel input dan satu variabel output serta dua puluh empat rule based. Masukkan pada SPK adalah judul skripsi mahasiswa, sehingga hasil rekomendasi dosen yang diberikan akan sesuai antara judul skripsi dengan bidang keahlian dosen. Maka hasilnya akan meberikan rekomendasi dosen pembimbing skripsi berdasarkan judul skripsi tersebut.   -Thesis is a scientific work for undergraduate students needing a guidance lecturer in completing it for student consultation. The determination of guidance lecturers based on the Academic Guidelines of Gorontalo State University is still carried out by direct appointment at the proposal of the Chairman of the Department / Head of The Study Program. But the problem is that this method sometimes overrides the amount of guidance so that it is less balanced the amount of guidance between prospective guidance lecturers, and also difficulty adjusting between the expertise of lecturers with the title of student thesis. In this research, a website-based decision support system was created to provide recommendations for thesis guidance lecturers to electrical engineering majors using fuzzy methods. Fuzzy logic uses three input variables and one output variable and twenty-four rule based. Entering the SPK is the title of the student thesis, so that the results of the lecturer recommendations given will be in accordance between the thesis title and the lecturer's field of expertise. Then the results will provide recommendations of thesis guidance lecturers based on the title of the thesis.


SPK; Logika Fuzzy; Website

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Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
State University of Gorontalo
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