Pendekatan Univariate Time Series Modelling untuk Prediksi Kuartalan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Pasca Vaksinasi COVID-19
The development of COVID-19 has had a significant negative impact on Indonesia’s economic growth based on the indicator of the value of the quarterly year of year data in 2020 and 2021. Economic growth is still experiencing a recession per first quarter with a percentage of - 2.19 percent at the beginning of 2021. The government has to take vaccination measures for the community gradually with the aim of reducing the number of sufferers of these cases. The purpose of this study is to predict economic growth quarterly after vaccination using 3 (three) univariate time series models, namely ARIMA, Holt-Winters and Dynamic Linear models for policymaking. Holt-Winters and Dynamic Linear models make it possible to handle time-series data containing trends and seasonality. The data is divided into training data and test data obtained from the ministry of finance and the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The goodness of the model uses MSE, MAE and U-Theil criteria. Based on the results of the analysis using the R library, the results show that the best modelling for economic growth data is the ARIMA model with the lowest MSE, MAE and U-Theil values with the difference between the models being 0.000242. The ARIMA model looks better than other models because the economic growth data only contains trends and assumes a seasonal element in the data. In addition, the Holt-Winters and Dynamic Linear models produce a forecast for Indonesia’s economic growth to still experience a recession (negative growth) in the next four quarterly data, while the ARIMA model produces a positive growth forecast in the fourth quarter.
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