Sensitivity, Optimal Control, and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Intervention Strategies of Filariasis

Darmawati Darmawati, Musafira Musafira, Darma Ekawati, Wahyudin Nur, Muhlis Muhlis, Siti Fatima Azzahra


In this work, sensitivity, optimal control, and cost-effectiveness of several intervention strategies of filariasis are discussed. We study the intervention strategies that are related to bednet use, insecticide, and the combination of bed-net use and insecticide. We use Pontryagin's maximum principle to characterize the optimal controls. The Average Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ACER) and Infection Averted Ratio (IAR) are used to identify the most cost-effective strategy. We also determine the basic reproduction number and investigate the sensitivity of the basic reproduction number on the parameters that are related to bed-net use and insecticide. Based on the ACER values, the most cost-effective strategy to control filariasis is insecticide intervention. On the other hand, the IAR values indicates that bed-net use intervention is the most cost-effective strategy. Furthermore, it is also the most effective strategy to eliminate filariasis. The sensitivity analysis results show that the control parameter related to bed net use and treatment have a central role in reducing the basic reproduction number and filariasis spread.


Optimal Control; Sensitivity Analysis; Cost-Effectiveness Analysis; Filariasis

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Copyright (c) 2022 Darmawati Darmawati, Musafira Musafira, Darma Ekawati, Wahyudin Nur, Muhlis Muhlis, Siti Fatima Azzahra

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