Penerapan Peta Kendali Neutrosophic Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (NEWMA) X dalam Monitoring Rata-Rata Proses Ketebalan Kaca
In the industrial sector, the measurement results of a quality characteristic often involve an uncertainty interval (interval indeterminacy). This causes the classical control chart to be less suitable for monitoring quality. Currently, a control chart with a neutrosophic approach has been developed. The neutrosophic control chart was developed based on the concept of neutrosophic numbers with control charts. One of the control charts that have been developed to monitor the mean process is the Neutrosophic Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (NEWMA) X control chart. This control chart is a combination of neutrosophic with classical EWMA control chart. The neutrosophic control chart consists of two control charts, namely lower and upper, each of which consists of upper and lower control limits. Therefore, NEWMA X is more sensitive to detect out-of-control observations. In this research, the NEWMA X control chart will be used to monitor the average process of the thickness of the panasap dark grey 5mm glass produced by a glass industry. Through the analysis in this research, it was found that by using weighting λN [0, 10; 0, 10] and constant value kN [2, 565; 2, 675], the average process of the thickness of panasap dark grey 5mm glass has not beet controlled statistically because 21 observations were identified that were outside the control limits (out of control). When compared with the classical EWMA control chart with the same weighting λ, 17 observations were detected out of control. This proves that the NEWMA X control chart is more sensitive in detecting observations that are out of control because the determination of the in-control state is based on two values, lower and upper, both at the lower and upper control limits.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Wibawati Wibawati, Widya Amalia Rahma, Muhammad Ahsan, Wilda Melia Udiatami

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