Invers Moore-Penrose pada Matriks Turiyam Simbolik Real

Ani Ani, Mashadi Mashadi, Sri Gemawati


The symbolic Turiyam matrix is a matrix whose entries contain symbolic Turiyam. Inverse matrices can generally be determined if the matrix is a non-singular square matrix. Currently the inverse of the symbolic Turiyam matrix of size m × n with m 6= n can be determined by the Moore-Penrose inverse. The purpose of this research is to determine the inverse Moore-Penrose algorithm on a real symbolic Turiyam matrix of size m × n with m 6= n. Algebraic operations on symbolic Turiyam is a method used to obtain the Moore-Penrose inverse on real symbolic Turiyam matrices by applying symbolic Turiyam algebraic operations on the concept of Moore-Penrose inverses. The main result obtained is the inverse Moore-Penrose algorithm on the real symbolic Turiyam matrix. The demonstration example given shows that the Moore-Penrose inverse on a real symbolic Turiyam matrix always exists even though the matrix is not a square matrix.


Inverse Moore-Penrose; Turiyam Matrix Simbolic

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