Model ETAS Spatio-Temporal pada Analisis Pemetaan Intensitas Kegempaan di Wilayah Sumatera

Andreas Rony Wijaya


High seismic activity forces Indonesia to mitigate natural disasters to minimize the impact of these disasters. One of the mitigation efforts that can be done is to know the possibility of an earthquake occurring in an area. Earthquakes, which are random phenomena, cannot be determined with certainty. Therefore, studies in seismological statistics can be used. One of the studies in seismological statistics that discusses the occurrence of earthquakes is the epidemic-type aftershock sequence (ETAS) model. This model describes the main seismic activity followed by aftershocks. The ETAS model, which only considers the parameters of time and event magnitude, was developed into a Spatio-temporal ETAS model, which also describes spatial parameters or locations. This study used the Spatio-temporal ETAS model to analyze the Sumatra region’s seismic activity from 2000-2022. Earthquake data sources are obtained from the United State Geological Survey (USGS). Based on data analysis, the Spatio-temporal ETAS model expressed in terms of the conditional intensity function shows that earthquakes that occur in the Sumatera region with a large magnitude tend to produce a large conditional intensity function as well. The spatial component of the spatio-temporal ETAS model can be explained by mapping the peak ground acceleration (PGA). The results of the PGA mapping show that seismic activity in the Sumatera region is prone to occur along the north and west coasts of the Sumatra region, with PGA values ranging from 0.2 g to 0.9 g. The larger the PGA value means, the higher the risk of an earthquake occurring in the area marked with a reddish-yellow dot or contour.


Mitigation; Earthquakes; Spatio-temporal ETAS Model; Conditional Intensity Function

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