Perluasan Masalah Isoperimetrik pada Bangun Ruang

Andri Setiawan, Denny Ivanal Hakim, Oki Neswan


In this paper, several extensions of the isoperimetric problem in solid figures are explored, focusing on oblique and right prisms with rectangular, right-angled triangular, and regular hexagonal bases. The objective of this research is to find the prism with the largest volume while keeping the surface area constant. Through manipulations of algebra and simple trigonometry, evidence is obtained that a right prism provides a larger volume than an oblique prism if their surface areas are equal. By utilizing partial derivatives of a two-variable function and the Lagrange multiplier method, conditions for the side lengths are derived to obtain the prism with the maximum volume. The results show that a cube is the solution to the isoperimetric problem, meaning it has the largest volume among prisms with rectangular bases, while for the isoperimetric solution on prisms with right-angled triangular bases, the base of the prism must be an isosceles right-angled triangle. A regular hexagonal prism has a larger volume than prisms with rectangular and right-angled triangular bases if their surface areas are the same.


Isoperimetric; Extension of Isoperimetric Problem; Solid Figure; Right Prism; Oblique Prism

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