Pengelompokan Provinsi di Indonesia Menggunakan Time Series Clustering pada Sektor Ekspor Nonmigas

Aulia Nabila Putri, Neva Satyahadewi, Siti Aprizkiyandari


Indonesia's export activities are dominated by non-oil and gas exports consisting of four sectors, namely the processing industry, agriculture, mining, and others. The government must pay attention to non-oil and gas exports for each province because exports can play an essential role in a country's economic growth. This study was conducted to cluster provinces in Indonesia using time series clustering in the non-oil and gas export sector based on data patterns concerning Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) distance. The sectors used in this study are the manufacturing industry sector and the agricultural sector in 34 Indonesian provinces in the period 2017 - 2021. Time series clustering analysis uses the average linkage method with DTW distance and the selection of the optimum number of clusters using the silhouette coefficient method. The results of the analysis in the processing industry sector resulted in 3 optimum clusters, namely cluster 1 consisting of 1 province that has high processing industry exports, cluster 2 consisting of 8 provinces that have medium processing industry exports, and cluster 3 consisting of 25 provinces that have low processing industry exports. As for the agricultural sector, it produces 2 optimum clusters, namely cluster 1 consisting of 5 provinces that have high agricultural industry exports, and cluster 2 consisting of 29 provinces that have low agricultural industry exports. The clustering results in the processing industry sector and the agricultural sectors have a silhouette coefficient value of 0.778 and 0.798, so it is said to have a strong cluster structure.


Time Series clustering; Dynamic Time Warping; Non-oil and Gas

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