Struktur Simplektik pada Aljabar Lie Affine aff(2,R)

Aurillya Queency, Edi Kurniadi, Firdaniza Firdaniza


In this research, we studied the affine Lie algebra aff(2,R). The aim of this research is to determine the 1-form in affine Lie algebra aff(2,R) which is associated with its symplectic structure so that affine Lie algebra aff(2,R) is a Frobenius Lie algebra. Realized the elements of the affine Lie algebra aff(2,R) in matrix form, then calculated the Lie brackets and formed the structure matrix of the affine Lie algebra aff(2,R). 1-form of the affine Lie algebra aff(2,R) is obtained from the determinant of the structure matrix of the affine Lie algebra aff(2,R). Furthermore, proved that the 2-form is symplectic and related to the 1-form. The result obtained is that the affine Lie algebra aff(2,R) has 1-form α=ε_12^*+ε_23^* on aff(2,R)^* which is related to its symplectic structure, β=ε_11^*∧ε_12^*+ε_12^*∧ε_22^*+ε_21^*∧ε_13^*+ε_22^*∧ε_23^* such that the affine Lie algebra aff(2,R) is a Frobenius Lie algebra. For further research, it can be developed into an affine Lie algebra with dimensions n(n+1).


1-form; 2-form; Affine Lie Algebra; Frobenius Lie Algebra; Symplectic Structure

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