SEIQR Model Sensitivity and Bifurcation Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Dynamics with International in-out Mobility Control in Indonesia

Lasker Pangarapan Sinaga, Dinda Kartika, Nurul Ain Farhana


This study aims to analyze the SEIQR model for the SARS-CoV-2 dynamic by considering in-out mobility. The model construction is based on the COVID-19 response strategy implemented by the Indonesian government, then analyzing the model by determining the equilibrium point and basic reproduction number, analyzing model stability, parameter sensitivity, and bifurcation. The results show that the model has stable disease-free and disease-endemic critical points when the parameter inequality conditions based on the Routh-Hurwitz criteria are satisfied. Numerical simulations show that the system takes a long time to reach equilibrium. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis of the basic reproduction number shows that the most sensitive parameters are natural birth and death rate susceptible, contact rate of susceptible individuals with infected individuals from local and international subjects, and rate of exposed individuals who have infected. Thus, efforts to handle COVID-19 in Indonesia can be improved by focusing on controlling international in-out mobility, so that the number of exposed individuals who have been infected can be reduced. Moreover, the bifurcation analysis shows that the system undergoes forward or backward bifurcation under disease-free conditions if certain coefficient values are satisfied based on the Castillo-Chavez and Song conditions.


Stability; Sensitivity; Bifurcation; SEIQR Model; SARS-CoV-2; Covid-19

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