The k-Tribonacci Matrix and the Pascal Matrix

Sri Gemawati, Musraini Musraini, Mirfaturiqa Mirfaturiqa


This article discusses the relationship between the k-Tribonacci matrix Tn(k) and the Pascal matrix Pn, by first constructing the k-Tribonacci matrix and then looking for its inverse. From the inverse k-Tribonacci matrix, unique characteristics can be constructed so that general shapes can be constructed, and then from the relationship of the k-Tribonacci matrix Tn(k) and the Pascal matrix Pn obtain a new matrix, i.e. Un(k). Furthermore, a factor is derived from the relationship of the k-Tribonacci matrix Tn(k) and the Pascal matrix Pn i.e. Pn = Tn(k)Un(k).


Tribonacci Numbers; k-Tribonacci Matrix; Pascal Matrix; Algebra of Matrix

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