Implementasi CNN-BiLSTM untuk Prediksi Harga Saham Bank Syariah di Indonesia

Mushliha Mushliha


Stock price forecasting plays a crucial role in stock investment. Accuracy in predicting stock prices can provide significant financial benefits and help reduce investment risks. Stock price data are time series with high-frequency characteristics, non-linearity, and long memory, which makes stock price prediction a complex challenge. This research proposes a method for predicting the stock prices of Islamic banks in Indonesia using CNN-BiLSTM. This method aims to improve prediction accuracy by utilizing the feature extraction capabilities of CNN and the ability of BiLSTM to understand the temporal sequences of stock data. The data used in this research are the closing stock prices of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI), Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Negara Syariah (BTPN Syariah), and Bank Panin Dubai Syariah (PDSB) from January 2, 2020, to July 4, 2024. Testing these three stocks yielded MAPE values of 2.376%, 2.092%, and 0.629%, respectively. The study results show that the CNN-BiLSTM prediction model produced has very good accuracy in predicting stock prices.


Forecasting; Time Series; Stock Price; CNN-BiLSTM

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