Effect of Prey Refuge and Harvesting on Dynamics of Eco-epidemiological Model with Holling Type III

Adin Lazuardy Firdiansyah


In this research, we formulate and analyze an eco-epidemiology model of the modified Leslie-Gower model with Holling type III by incorporating prey refuge and harvesting. In the model, we find at most six equilibrium where three equilibrium points are unstable and three equilibrium points are locally asymptotically stable. Furthermore, we find an interesting phenomenon, namely our model undergoes Hopf bifurcation at the interior equilibrium point by selecting refuge as the bifurcation parameter. Moreover, we also conclude that the stability of all populations occurs faster when the harvesting rate increases.  In the end, several numerical solutions are presented to check the analytical results.


Eco-epidemiology Model; Local Stability; Hopf Bifurcation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34312/jjom.v3i1.7281

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