Rindang Adhaini Darwanto, Muhammad Rijal Syukri




Kota Gorontalo telah mengimplementasikan berbagai teknologi infrastruktur untuk memperkuat pertahanan wilayah pesisir.Akses Internet, Jaringan Telekomunikasi, Transportasi dan infrastruktur jalan, Pemerintahan Elektronik, Pendidikkan Dan riset,Pusat data dan teknologi. Dalam kajian ini, berfokus di aspek Infrastruktur teknologi yang ada di Kota Gorontalo. Kota Gorontalo telah mengimplementasikan berbagai teknologiinfrastruktur untuk memperkuat wilayah pesisir dengan menerapkan system drainase. Pembangkit listrik tenaga surya dan potensi energy angin telah di manfaatkan untuk memasok listrik de wilayah pesisir. Selain itu pemanfaatan Sistem Infirmasi Geografis (GIS) juga telah di terapkan. Metode penelitian digunakan yaitu metode kajian literatur dimana peneliti melakukan serangkaian penelitian yang melibatkan berbagai macam informasi yang berasal dari kepustakaan seperti buku, jurnal, dokumen, dan sumber literatur lainnya, guna mendapatkan kesimpulan mengenai Perkembangan Teknologi Infrastruktur wilayah pesisir di Kota Gorontalo. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya perkembangan yang positif dalam penerapan teknologi infrastruktur di wilayah pesisir Kota Gorontalo. Namun, tetap diperlukan pemantauan dan evaluasi yang berkelanjutan untuk memastikan keberlanjutan dan efektivitas teknologi infrastruktur yang telah diterapkan.

Kata Kunci :Infrastruktur, pesisir, Teknologi,Kota Gorontalo


Gorontalo City has implemented various infrastructure technologies to strengthen coastal areas. The implemented technologies include internet access, telecommunications networks, transportation and road infrastructure, e-government, education and research, as well as data centers and technology. This study focuses on the aspects of technology infrastructure in Gorontalo City. The city has implemented various infrastructure technologies to strengthen the coastal areas by implementing drainage systems. Solar power generation and wind energy potential have been utilized to supply electricity to the coastal areas. Furthermore, the utilization of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has also been implemented. The research methodology used in this study is literature review, where the researcher conducted a series of research involving various information sources such as books, journals, documents, and other literary sources to obtain conclusions regarding the development of technology infrastructure in coastal areas of Gorontalo City. The results of this research indicate positive developments in the implementation of technology infrastructure in the coastal areas of Gorontalo City. However, continuous monitoring and evaluation are still necessary to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of the implemented technology infrastructure.


Infrastructure, coastal, technology, Gorontalo Cit

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Copyright (c) 2024 Rindang Adhaini Darwanto, muhammad Rijal Syukri

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