Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Kedelai (Glycine max (L) Merrill) Menggunakan Pupuk Organik pada Pengolahan Tanah yang Berbeda
This study aims to determine the dose of fertilization on the growth and yield of soybeans, to determine the effect of tillage on the growth and yield of soybeans and to determine the interaction of doses of the level of use of organic fertilizers and tillage on the growth and yield of soybeans. The research was conducted using factorial group random planning method or factorial RAK. The first factor is the amount of organic fertilizer (cow stage) which is divided into four levels, namely P0 without fertilization, P1 organic fertilizer (10 tons/ha), P2 organic fertilizer (30 tons/ha). The second factor is tillage which consists of two levels, namely T0 (least tillage) and T1 (perfect tillage). Each treatment combination was repeated 3 times so that there were 24 research plots. The results showed that there was no interaction between organic fertilizers and tillage. The application of organic fertilizer significantly affected the parameters of soybean plant height, number of leaves, rate of formation of flowers and pods, number of pods per plant, weight of 100 seeds, and dry weight of the plots. Tillage significantly affected plant height, number of leaves, percentage of flower pods, number of pods per plant, and weight per 100 seeds. The application of 20 tons of organic fertilizer per hectare and intensive tillage has the best effect on the growth and yield of soybeans
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