Mom's Education Determine By Receiving Basic Immunization In Babies

Yuanita Ani Susilowati, Heni Lestari, Elizabeth Ari Setyarini, Ferdinan Sihombing


Immunization is an effort to generate active immunity against a disease. The basic immunization coveraged in Mukapayung Village in 2021 is 67.4%, while the basic immunization achievement target set by the government is 98%. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between mother's knowledge and education with basic immunization receipts for infants 0-12 months in Mukapayung Village. The research method uses a descriptive correlation design, cross sectional approach with a total sample. Respondents amounted to 110 mothers who had babies aged 0-12 months. Data collection using a 20-item knowledge questionnaire. Validity and reliability test were carried out in Karang Tanjung Village on 30 respondents and the results were obtained validity from 0.411 to 0.566 with a reliability value of 0.917 which means very reliable. The results showed that there was no relationship between mother's level of knowledge and basic immunization reception for infants 0-12 months with p value 0.501> α but there was a significant relationship between mother's education level and basic immunization reception for infants 0-12 months with p value 0.011 < α. Discussion, the level of knowledge and education is not always in line with the behavior or actions related to basic immunization for infants 0-12 months, because many factors affect a person's knowledge. Conclusion, the higher the education of the mother, the more she understands the importance of maintaining children's health through prevention of various diseases by providing basic immunization. since early stage.


Pendidikan, Penerimaan Imunisasi dasar, Pengetahuan

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