Bayes Estimator of Exponential Distribution Parameters of Type II Censored Data with Linear Exponential Loss Function Method Based on Jeffrey Priors
Survival analysis is often used in the application of analyzing the survival of an object such as living things or objects. This analysis is identical to data censoring which is divided into three, namely: type I, II, and III censored data. Type II censored data is data censoring done by determining the number of objects to be analyzed from the total number of observation objects . Type II censored data is used when the analysis is intended to maximize the results of the analysis. Bayesian Linear Exponential (LINEX) loss function is one method that can be used to estimate parameters in survival analysis by minimizing the expected value of LINEX. The purpose of this study is to determine the Bayesian LINEX loss function parameter estimation on type II censored data using exponential distribution. This method uses the concept of posterior distribution and prior distribution. The prior distribution used is the Jeffrey prior distribution which has objective properties and is based on Fisher information theory The application of the parameter estimation results is carried out on the survival data of lung cancer patients obtained from the North Central Cancer Treatment Group. Based on the results of parameter estimation, it is concluded that the greater the value of the controller (a) can produce a smaller value of parameter estimation results (θ^) . The results of this study can be used as a reference in conducting survival tests using type II censored exponential distribution data using the LINEX loss function method based on Jeffrey priors.
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