Efektivitas Terapi Antibiotika Demam Tifoid Pada Pediatrik Di Rumah Sakit X Kota Kediri

Feny Oktaviana, Puput Noviana


Typhoid fever has the highest incidence in children. Treatment for typhoid fever uses antibiotics. Increasing bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a global problem. This study was conducted to determine the differences in the effectiveness of antibiotics in the treatment of typhoid fever on the heat-free time and the length of treatment for pediatric patients in the inpatient ward of the X Hospital, Kediri City. This research is a descriptive analysis research. A retrospective study was conducted using medical records in 2017. Data were collected by purposive sampling. Data were taken on pediatric patients with typhoid fever aged 5-11 years. The statistical test used to analyze the effectiveness of therapy in pediatric patients with typhoid fever was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. The sample used in this study were 38 pediatric patients. The antibiotics used were ciprofloxacin 52.63%, ceftriaxone 28.95%, cefuroxim 10.53%, and penicillin 7.89%. The results of the analysis of differences in the effectiveness of antibiotics against heat-free time obtained a sig value > 0.05 (0.947) and a sig value > 0.05 (0.329) for the length of treatment. There was no significant difference in heat-free time and length of treatment between ceftriaxone, cefuroxim, ciprofloxacin and penicillin.


Typhoid fever, heat-free time, length of treatment

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37311/jsscr.v3i2.11688


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