Evaluasi Kesesuaian Peresepan Obat Pada Pasien Poliklinik Penyakit Dalam Terhadap Formularium di Rumah Sakit

Teti Sutriati Tuloli, Madania Madania, Nur Rasdianah, Indah Pramesty Gobel


National formulary is a list of medicines compiled by a national committee established by the Minister of Health based on cutting-edge, efficacious, safe, and affordable scientific evidence referred for drug use by national health insurance. This study aims to determine the evaluation of drug prescribing in the Hospital formulary. This retrospective study involved subjects qualified for the inclusion criteria i.e. 73 sheet recipes in August - December 2019. some prescribed drugs that are not listed in the hospital formulary in the following percentage: August (100%), September (60%), October (50%), November (81%), and December (65%) with the average of 71%. This indicates that the prescription does not conform to the hospital formulary regulation of 100%. In conclusion, there are some drugs prescribed by the doctor that is not conformed to the hospital formulary, which means tight supervision for the prescribing is required.


National Formulary, Conformity, Prescribing

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37311/jsscr.v4i1.14219


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  Department of Pharmacy, Gorontalo State University
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