Evaluasi Kemampuan Tabir Surya Ekstrak Biji Jagung (Zea mays L.) Secara In Vitro Menggunakan Metode Spektrofotometri UV-Vis

Muhammad Taupik, Wiwin R. kunusa, Jafar La Kilo, A. Mu’thi Andy Suryadi, Zul Fikar Ahmad


Corn kernels (Zea mays L.) are plants serving as a natural sunscreen due to the presence of phenol and flavonoid compounds. The sunscreen compounds are able to protect skin from the effect of ultraviolet ray emitted by the sun. The purpose of this study was to determine the activity of corn kernels (Zea mays L.) as a in vitro sunscreen by the UV-Vis spectrophotometry method. The study was started by maceration of extracted seed samples using three various solvents, i.e., hexane, ethyl acetate and ethanol 70%. In the preliminary test, it was found that 70% positive ethyl acetate and ethanol extract contained phenol and flavonoid compounds, so that the step proceeded to the sunscreen activity test. The sunscreen activity test was determined based on the value of sun protecting factory value tested at wavelengths from 290 to 320 nm, the percentage of erythema transmission (% Te), and the percentage of pigmentation transmission (%Tp) values tested at wavelengths of 292.5-372.5 nm at 5 nm intervals. From these tests, the results revealed that the best activity was indicated by a concentration of 600 ppm for ethyl acetate extract and 70% ethanol with an average SPF value of 24.1724.18 ± 0.0852 (ultra protection) and 10.23 ± 0.021 (maximum protection). Te% of ethyl acetate and ethanol extract 70% were 3.92 ± 0.015 (extra protection) and .62 ± 0.026 (regular syringe), respectively. % Tp in 70% ethyl acetate and ethanol extract gets 19.61 ± 0.527 (total block) and 32.66 ± 2,594 (total block), respectively. The statistical analysis revealed that the normality and homogeneity test of significance value < 0.05, meaning that the data distribution was not normal and homogeneous. By that, the step continued to the Kruskal-Wallis test. Based on the Kruskal-Wallis test, the significance value < 0.05 showed that the significant differences in the ethanol and ethyl acetate samples per concentration with the SPF,% Te and% Tp values obtained was significant.


Corn Seed Extract, Sun Protection Factor, Percent of Erythema Transmission, Pigmentation Transmission Percent

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37311/jsscr.v4i1.14314


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