Karakterisasi Metabolit Sekunder Daun Jarak Cina (Jathropa Multifida Linn) Serta Efektifitasnya Penyembuhan Luka Insisi

Hamsidar Hasan, Juliyanty Akuba, Fatrio Setiawan Ismail


An incision wound is the loss or destruction of part of the body's tissue caused by sharp object. Iodine (Jathropa multifida linn) plant is one of the plants known to contain alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, and tannins where these substances play an important role in wound healing process as antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti inflammatory. The research aims to characterize compound in the Chinese jatropha and determine the effectiveness of healing incision wound in mice (mus muculus). The research applied several methods, including multilevel maceration, evaporation, extract activity test, phytochemical screening, thin layer chromatography, fractionation, preparative thin layer chromatography, active isolate effectiveness test, and one way ANOVA data analysis. The result of the elucidation of UV-Vis Spectrophotometry compounds obtains the maximum wavelength of active isolate at a wavelength of 425 nm with an absorbance of 0.071. Meanwhile, the result of IR spectrophotometry indicates that the functional group of OH at a wavelength of 3448.72 cm, aliphatic C-H at an absorption of 2954.95 cm, 2920.23 cm, 2852.72 cm" supported by the presence of CII, at an absorption of 1163.08 cm, C-O Conjugated carbonyl at an absorption of 1734.01 cm, C=O at an absorption of 1635.64 cm, C-C at an absorption of 1463.97 cm, and C-O at an absorption of 1379.10 cm 1290.38 cm. In accordance with the results of identification and characterization, it can be concluded that the active isolate contains flavonoids. Additionally, the results of Active Isolate Effectiveness Test show that there is a significant difference between the active isolate with varying concentrations of 10%, 15% and 20% against other groups. The active isolate signifies more effective wound healing han positive and negative controls. However, the difference in variation does noth how any significance in incision wound healing in mice (Mus musculus)


Iodine; Jathropa multifida linn; Plant; Chemical Componound; incision

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37311/jsscr.v4i3.16268


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