Profil Penggunaan Obat Antibiotik pada Penderita Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut (ISPA) di Puskesmas Kabupaten Gorontalo
Acute respiratory infection (ARI) is a disease with a high prevalence. Most ARIs that occur are caused by viruses and do not require antibiotics. This study aims to determine whether or not Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) patients at Gorontalo Regency Health Center treated with antibiotic and to determine the appropriate drugs, appropriate indication, appropriate patients, and appropriate dose in Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) patients. This study is conducted retrospectively by taking data from the medical records of 300 ARI patients. Patient characteristics by sex are: male patients are 49% and females 51%. Most patients with ARI occurred at the age of 0-5 years are 155 cases (51.7%), 6-10 years are 47 cases (15.7%), 21-25 years are 39 cases (13%), 16-20 years are 31 cases (10.3%), and 11-15 years are 28 cases (9.3%). The research findings discover that the use of antibiotic drug in ARI patients comprises Amoxicillin for 51 cases (17%), Amoxicillin syrup for 13 cases (4,3%), Amoxicillin powder for 46 cases (15,3%), Cotrimoxazole for 2 cases (0,6%), Cefadroxil for 2 cases (0,6%), and Ciprofloxacin for 1 case (0,5%). In the meantime, those who are not treated with antibiotic drug are 185 cases (61,7%). Additionally, the use of drugs includes appropriate drugs for 86,7%, appropriate indications for 62,3%, appropriate doses for 72,3%, and appropriate patients for 100% which have been in accordance with clinical practice manual book in the primary health facility.
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