Studi Penggunaan NSAID (Nonsteroidal Anti Inflamantory Drugs) Pasien Osteoarthritis Usia Lanjut di Rumah Sakit X Sumbawa Barat

Nur Radiah, Isra Arista Pratama, Khairil Pahmi


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a slowly progressive inflammatory disease characterized by cartilage damage, usually occurring in the hands, waist and knees. This study aims to determine the description of osteoarthritis patients, treatment descriptions and to adjust treatment management to see if it is in accordance with the American College of Rheumatolology (ACR) guidelines. This study used an observational method by collecting data retrospectively from patient medical records and using data collection sheets. The results of the study showed that osteoarthritis was more common in women (52.88%), men (47.22%). Based on age 36-45 years (5.55%), 46-55 years (25%) and elderly patients >56 years (69.43%), . The most frequently prescribed therapy is oral NSAIDs, namely meloxicam (52.64%), Diclofenac Natirum (39.47%), Mefanamic acid (5.26%) and Ibuprofen (2.63%). OA treatment using meloxicam is in accordance with the American College of Rheumatollogy (ACR), where meloxicam is one of the main drugs of choice for osteoarthritis patients because it has the fewest side effects on the gastrointestinal tract compared to other NSAIDs.


Osteoarthritis; NSAIDs; American College of Rheumatology

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